Founder and Director
Andy founded Amberjack Films in 2009 as a progression of both his film career and his journey with nature. Andy’s attention was first captured by the marine world aged only two and living in Cuba; it became a lifetime’s fascination which led to an award-winning film career, including 19 years working for the BBC Natural History Unit (NHU) where he led the dive unit for 12 years. Internationally his films have won numerous awards: EMMY, BAFTA, Best of Festival at Wildscreen, Jackson Hole, Best of Festival at the Shanghai Television Festival; Best of Festival at 3D Stereo Media Liege 2016 and nomination for the Grierson Award. He was a key player in the BBC’s landmarks: The Blue Planet (2001); co-director of the feature film Deep Blue (2003); Planet Earth (2006) and Amazon Abyss (2006).
Following 4 years sailing with his family, he was auteur-director of the three-part 3D series Hurricane (2014) for Arte in France. He co-directed the 3D feature film and 3D IMAX Ouragan (2015), produced by Ouragan Films for Studio Orange and Universal. Through his SPV company Black Sea Films, he exec-produced and co-directed, Lost Worlds: Deeper into the Black Sea (2019) for Discovery Channel, Science Channel and Curiosity Stream.
He is currently co-directing the 3D IMAX The Future of Snow in co-production with St Thomas Productions and NWave. He is also producing the Feature Game Over Fishing with Yonatan Nir Productions and the Nakawe Project. He is keenly committed to high-quality storytelling and multi-platform production, exploring new approaches to shaping great story, including animation, 3D and VR.